Public Company Accounting Advisory Service
Our Public Company Financial Reporting Service is a cost efficient method for public companies to outsource the preparation of their annual and quarterly reports. Our clients benefit from a significant decrease in total audit time normally needed to prepare the quarterly reviews and annual audits.
Accounting policy consultation
Accounting standards, the Security and the Exchange Commission’s regulations are under constant change and require up to date interpretations and understanding. We are here to guide and assist you and provide solutions to the diverse and unique challenges you may face.
Transaction Advisory
Certain transactions and agreements might have material impacts on financial statements. Management is required to develop all assumptions, valuations, and the resulting journal entries on timely basis and properly communicate to all interested parties. As such, sufficient documentation for the development of assumptions, the applicable technical guidance, and the detailed mathematical calculation is essential. We will couple the valuation experts with a technical memorandum which captures the related assumptions and the applicable technical guidance.